Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Visiting Harper's Ferry

by Sharon Lewis

August 19th, 2008 was a life changing experience for me and our group. We visited Harper's Ferry in West Virginia where John Brown and 21 of his followers were on a quest to end the harsh and brutal inequality of Black slaves. Being in the actual place where he was hung was frightening but yet uplifting. It felt good to know that somebody, surprisingly a a white abolitionist, risked his life for others that were not the same color as him. Being in Harper's Ferry taking in the sites and talking to a tour guide about he events in depth was very overwhelming. But it was also helpful to know that there was an effort to change mankind. Overall, the trip to Harper's Ferry was interesting and instpirational. It taught me that if you believe something is right then you can make a difference regardless of the color of your skin.

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